
圖書館與社會基礎建設(social infrastructure)

美國社會學家 Eric Klinenberg 的一本新書 Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life (人們的宮殿之地: 社會基礎建設如何幫助我們打擊不平等、極端化及公民社會的衰落),他認為民主公平的社會不僅植基於共同的價值,還有共有分享的空間 (如:圖書館、托兒中心、書店、教堂 …等)。因為在這些場所,人們能相聚、建立連結、社區得以強化、減弱人際間藩籬,這些分享的空間場所可謂「社會基礎建設」(social infrastructure)。

再從最近的兩部與圖書館相關的影片,來看美國的公共圖書館是否可稱為社會基礎建設。一部是紀錄片「悅讀—紐約公共圖書館」;另一部是劇情片(台灣未上映?) “The Public”。在「悅讀」一片中,我們看到紐約公共圖書館(NYPL) 與其讀者/當地居民的開放而多元的互動、圖書館決策者對數位包容、文化包容 … 的社會責任感,在美國這樣的民主社會中,圖書館也體現了民主平權的思想、且發揮其社會功能,難怪可稱為社會基礎建設。

“The Public”(TIFF Trailer) 是討論圖書館員與遊民的影片,在一篇影片簡介中提到 "This David versus Goliath story tackles some of our nation's most challenging issues, homelessness and mental illness and sets the drama inside one of the last bastions of democracy-in-action: your public library."(這部片觸及了目前一些最具挑戰性的問題 (遊民及精神病者),本片將場景設置於民主實踐的最後堡壘之一的地方,也就是: 你的公共圖書館)


雖說台灣的社會環境、社會問題,及圖館的性格與美國不同,但圖書館似乎還未成為人們的一個充滿對話/溝通互動的場域,大多是默默順服、寧靜之所;此外,也有人說台灣圖書館員具有公務員的性格、圖書館員需更多自由去發揮知識服務的理想[註] 。


[註] News98【張大春泡新聞】訪問師範大學圖書資訊學研究所吳美美教授談《悅讀:紐約公共圖書館》記錄片@2018.06.06


Eric Klinenberg: Libraries and Social Infrastructure (LJ https://www.libraryjournal.com/?detailStory=181003-Eric-Klinenberg-QA)

The Public Spotlights Public Libraries and Homelessness (Public Libraries Online http://publiclibrariesonline.org/2018/02/the-public-spotlights-public-libraries-and-homelessness/)

公共出借權:圖書館員的社會責任與社會正義 https://joyochiu.blogspot.com/2018/01/blog-post.html



讀 RDA相關的一篇文章

2018 IFLA年會上來自英國BDS 公司的 J. Wright 的一篇文章   How does true RDA cataloguing change how we catalogue? (http://library.ifla.org/id/eprint/2198談到了其公司以 IFLA-LRM 為基礎設計的編目作業系統在她舉的例子中編目員或許多少可對 RDA 編目中 WEM (Work, Expression, Manifestation / 作品表現形式具體呈現更有概念

1.  Jane Austen Pride and prejudice (傲慢與偏見) (Wright, p. 4- )

這三本書的contributors (貢獻者)有所不同因此為不同的 expressions.

Wright 提到在判斷是否為 expression 時編目員仍需訓練熟悉(p. 3)
We found staff were confident in identifying new manifestations, as that's largely ISBN based and presented no great change from previous practice. New works were also generally straightforward, with “distinct creations” being understood. However, deciding if a resource represented a new expression was harder for several reasons.

Often, publishers don't provide enough information at the CIP stage for staff to have confidence in which expression, or version, of a work they are cataloguing. However, even with the resource in-hand, cataloguers were still hesitant. If the content type was different, then that was straightforward and clear, but confidence in distinguishing between different realisations of a work required training.

Bringing a phrase from the scope notes in the IFLA-LRM to the foreground proved most helpful for staff: “An expression comes into existence simultaneously with the creation of its first manifestation”. 

判斷是否為 expression,可參考LRM 的說明
 [某作品]當其 manifestation 第一次出現的同時 expression即存在了

2.   第八版的生化學(Biochemistry) 比第七版雖只多了一位作者,但此兩本書應視為兩部作品(works) (Wright, p. 5-)

3.   契訶夫(Chekhov) 的劇本選集(含五部劇本):我們需為每部劇本建立其作品(work)紀錄;而非依MARC著錄習慣,僅著錄在內容註 (tag 505) (Wright, p. 7)