
(西編)書名頁二三事 (上)

近來編(目)的書多是1890至1940年間的西文書,以史地及社會科學類居多。這時期剛好涵蓋了兩次世界大戰,因此不乏與戰事主題有關者。這裡可以看到許多舊書的書皮(book jacket)。拿起這些已近百歲的書,隱約體會當時發生的事與人們的想法。對懷舊的編目員而言,這是探索旅程的起點。


例1:歐洲的作者名字前面有 Count, Baron, Graf …(伯爵、男爵、德語的伯爵)等稱謂(參見下圖左),尤其不少英國的作者有貴族身分或榮譽頭銜。

245 10 Memoirs of Friedrich Ferdinand, Count von Beust /|cwritten by himself. With an introd. containing personal reminiscences of Count Beust's career as prime minister of Austria and Austrian ambassador in London by Baron Henry de Worms

你會如何著錄人名段呢? 這樣吧:
100 1 Beust, Friedrich Ferdinand,|cGraf von,|d1809-1886   (LC  Authority)
700 1 Pirbright, Henry de Worms,|cBaron,|d1840-      

[說明] Count Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust (German: Friedrich Ferdinand Graf von Beust) 是德國及奧地利的政治家 寫引言的是一位有英國貴族身分的政治人物 Henry de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright (Pirbright為封地名稱)。可參見英國授勳及嘉獎制度


例2:有軍職頭銜及貴族頭銜 (見上圖右)

245 10 Deductions from the world war /|cby Lieutenant-General Baron von Freytag-Loringhoven

人名段可先查維基百科,再查  LC authorities
100 1 Freytag-Loringhoven, Hugo Freidrich Philipp Johann, |cFreiherr von,|d1855-1924
(LC Authority)

[說明]作者Hugo von Freytag-Loringhoven是普魯士的將軍,且有頭銜 Freiherr(男爵)。

例3:有榮譽頭銜Sir (爵士)

245 10 The pillars of security,|band other war-time essays and addresses /|cby Sir William H. Beveridge 

100 1 Beveridge, William Henry Beveridge,|cBaron,|d1879-1963 (LC  Auth.)

有些作者名有夠長且複雜,當然如果做的是  copy cataloging,你大概不會先從麻煩的作者名來查尋,而會從書名查找資料庫是否已建有此筆書目   ;-)


1. 貴族等級

Royal and noble ranks

2. AACR2/RDA   transcription rules  (MARC 245|c)

Penn State Univ. Lib  https://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/cataloging/training/bpcr/245.html#ctrans


245 10 Britain's glorious navy /|cedited by Admiral Sir Reginald H.S. Bacon K.C.B., K.C.V.O., D.S.O. ; with a foreword by Admiral Sir Edward R.G.R. Evans K.C.B., D.S.O., L.L.D. -- [RDA]

245 10 Britain's glorious navy /|cedited by Sir Reginald H.S. Bacon ; with a foreword by Sir Edward R.G.R. Evans. -- [AACR2]

Yale lib.  http://web.library.yale.edu/Cataloging/CIP/editing-245c

(AACR2) Transcribe: Titles of nobility & British terms of honor (Sir, Dame, Lord, Lady) --even if unnecessary for identification.

RDA is quite a bit simpler: transcribe whatever appears on the title page: titles of honor, professions, degrees, rank, etc. RDA has the option to abridge long statements of responsibility ...
