

ALA 2007年會中RDA議題
Karen Coyle在Digiblog中的一篇文章RDA Update Forum, June 23,得知現正召開的ALA 2007年會其中RDA Update Forum會議的一些看法:

● RDA的四個主要成員(LC, 加拿大圖書館, 大英圖書館及澳洲國家圖書館)即將發表一份聲明,支持RDA的共同合作計畫(與DCMI合作)。(Wiggins)
●RDA不僅是一套資料元素集(a set of data elements)也是一份應用綱要(a community application profile)。(Attig)[註]
●RDA成員與CDMI將合作把RDA內容中的資料元素(elements)抽取出來,使之成為機器可運用且其他社群能了解者(make the data machine-actionable and understandable by other communities)。(Hillmann)

●也有聽眾表示出疑慮與不滿,如:RDA不是個有用的編目指引(規則)、作者則寫道:若讓參與的300名聽眾投票 -- 針對RDA是否朝一個正面方向發展?-- 相信很少人會投肯定票。
ALCTS Programs
另ALCTS在此次年會中安排的演講議程(含演講摘要)(ALCTS Programs at the 2007 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC),也很有意義。
Karen Schneider的文章Out of the Secret Garden: The RDA/DC Initiative,將圖書館界的RDA與DCMI的合作用哈利波特般的故事來比喻 -- 圖書館書目資料猶如禁閉於(祕密花園)高牆內的人(哈利),現正鑿洞而出;並認為RDA/DC的合作協定是具歷史性。


◎ 當我們抱怨為何無cool且新的應用程式能將圖書館書目資料分享至全世界、為何無Google式的混搭應用方式來連繫讀者與書籍,這乃是因為我們的資料是沉沒的(不顯的)(It's because our data suck)。
◎ 講到簡略的DC(以其 15個資料元素最為著名),它讓我們走向一個簡單的編目模型嗎?作者則認為DC可支援十分豐富的表綱(very robust schema),它是模組建構式的(a building-block model),可使編目語言現代化、結構化、明確化…
◎ 以Diane Hillman及Gordon Dunsire為首的合作小組,正為此先導計畫努力。這變革的成敗勢將決定我們圖書館專業的未來前途。

[註]可詳Attig的ppt ,或下面他對RDA的看法:
Think of it as a content standard. RDA is more than that: it is also a metadata schema and an application profiles.

Is a metdata scheme:
Organized as a list of data elementsbased on FRBR and FRAD
Structured: elements, sub-elements, and element sub-types.

This provides basic structure for metadata based on RDA. New document RDA Scope and Structure, with mapping to FRBR.

RDA is an application profile:
- elelemtns and terminology of a community
- interpretation of FRBR/FRAD, which are community models

RDA as content standard
- designed primarily for use in libraries
- based on AACR, FRBR/FRAD
- applicable to a variety of media and formats collected by libraries
- developed for use in English language environment but could be adopted in other language communities
- independent of format in which data is stored (RDA is not MARC any more than AACR is MARC), but MARC is not the only application that could encode it.

Recognize that there are other tasks beyond resource discovery, but concentrating on this now.

Gives outline, with FRBR user tasks associated with each chapter.
Part A is essentially Identify and Select, although 6 & 7 are related to FIND

rev on 2007/06/27
