

LC 草擬的 BIBFRAME, 目的是要取代 MARC,[] ALA 2014年會, Allison Jai O'Dell 作了一場簡報: Cataloger 3.0: Competencies and Education for the BIBFRAME Catalog , 值得參考
或許 BIBFRAME 內容不易懂,但若從編目員角度切入了解,可能較實際、較能有些概念吧!簡報第11頁提到的編目資料輸入介面 BIBFRAME Editor (demo) , 不妨也去試用一下。

[] 維基百科上BIBFRAME條目:“BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework) is a data model for bibliographic description. BIBFRAME was designed to replace the MARC standards, and to use linked data principles to make bibliographic data more useful both within and outside the library community...” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIBFRAME)
