

在 ASIS&T Bulletin April/May 2015 special section : "Linked Data and the Charm of Weak Semantics" (PDF) (鏈結資料和弱語意的魅力),其中一篇文章是 Bibframe (BF) 負責廠商 Zepheira 公司總裁 Eric Miller 寫的 Linked Data Design for the Visible Library [1] ,談到 BF 設計理念。一些重點如下:

圖書館面臨最大問題之一是豐富的書目資料在網路上沒有什麼可見度(即搜尋引擎蒐尋不到、不會顯示給大眾使用者)。因此因應現代網路環境,書目資料須建立成為鏈結資料(linked data),如此才能與一般網路資料立於同等立足點,且能被查詢者看到。[2]

BF具擴充性/彈性:需要者可在核心層之外,增加層次以達擴充的目的。   (BIBFRAME users can build layers on the core to support description of books, periodicals, audiovisual material, digital publications and much more. …Different users and communities can layer additional types of things on BIBFRAME, organized into profiles, which can be conceptually broad (a profile for cataloging print books) or narrow (a profile for cataloging rare books or manuscripts). [3]

FRBR複雜觀念架構使得圖書館界建置linked data的步伐遲滯。BF簡化此,BF參考了較簡化的DC 格式;另外,BF基於開源軟體(based on our open-source BIBFRAME software, but with some training-specific additions)。

網上可見度主要賴於有用途內容的連結(連結網),而非完美的詞彙集。(In the context of visibility there is little point having a page with the perfect vocabulary for some purposes if it is not also part of a rich network of links)

BF採 "literate modeling" 方式:
In the BIBFRAME mindset the human-readable descriptions of the things  being modeled are actually their most important core properties, and the natural associations users might make between one thing and another, however informal or imprecise, are essential for discovery and ultimately for visibility. These natural associations are more important than the strictness of the data structure or the formalized semantic interpretation of such a data structure. (人們自然有的聯想能力比嚴格的資料結構要來的更重要) This approach is called literate modeling because it emphasizes data relationships that will be primarily consumed and contextualized by people. (literate modeling 重視的是資料間的關係,這種關係主要由人們所建構的)


Visible Library Beta program 的發起單位 Zepheira 已與ILS 大廠合作,可望於今年底推出新產品,我們或許可期待。

同期刊的另篇Karen Coyle 寫的Simplicity in Data Models,也呼應了 weak semantics,其中一些文字也滿有意思的,如:我們走在街上看到一隻貓,會講:"嘿!看那隻貓",而非 "看那四隻腳的哺乳動物"。[我想是因人們有時太緊守科技邏輯,卻不夠了解人性? ]

The Semantic Web protocol Resource Description Framework (RDF) comes out of work of the artificial intelligence (AI) community, which has an entirely different approach from that of previous information technology. Although machine intelligence and human intelligence are significantly different, AI attempts to model human thinking rather than the business processes that were the primary motivator for developments in previous information technology design. The study of human cognition has many facets, one of which revolves around our use of common concepts to understand the world. We walk down the street and say “Hey, look at that cat!” If instead we said “Look at that four-legged mammal” we would be considered either strange or facetious. Many conceptual categories are not exclusive.

[1] Libhub Initiative 應就是 Visible Library Beta (http://www.libhub.org/)   是BF 的實際應用先導計畫,由Zepheira主導
[2] 如下圖,圖取自 BIBFRAME: Why? What? Who? p. 9
[3] 參見 Bibframe Lite 等 http://bibfra.me/

推动关联数据应用:《数据技术新视界——与汤贝克面对面》参会记录 (編目精靈)
BIBFRAME:加州大学戴维斯分校图书馆BIBFLOW项目 (李曉莉)
http://www.sal.edu.cn/2015/agenda.html (由此可下載ppt/pdf)



86歲的美國國會圖書館館長Dr. James H. Billington 即將退休(今年底),歷史學者出身的他是由前總統雷根提名,擔任LC館長已近30年(LC館長無任期限制),在推動資訊/數位化及管理方面受到諸多批評


experience as the leader of a major library serving the public and/or research community;
deep subject/technical expertise in librarianship and the management of digital assets;
an understanding of scholarly research and scholarly communication;
executive management and leadership skills;
communication, marketing and resource development skills; and
vision, entrepreneurial spirit and a commitment to collaboration.




ALA AC 2015
ALA Annual Conference Kicks Off In San Francisco
ALA  AC 2015  twitter即時報  #alcac2015  (https://twitter.com/hashtag/alaac15?src=hash)

LC   圖片來源



過去編目上有所謂 "資料類型標示" (GMD),如今 RDA以內容類型   (Content type)、媒體類型(Media type)、載體類型(Carrier type)、取代,LC的一份關於 GMD (RDA範例) 文件 (REPLACEMENT OF GMD ELEMENTS; CARRIER DESCRIPTION)   中提到:

"RDA vocabularies for Content, Media, and Carrier type were developed jointly with ONIX. The vocabulary terms may be replaced for display in an OPAC by other terms of a local agency’s choosing or by icons. The terms may be used additionally or only for filtering or limiting searches."

也就是說 再OPAC 顯示(畫面)上,MARC 的欄位336, 337, 338 的資料是可以用圖書館自訂的(資料類別)項目(或小圖示)來取代的,畢竟要從使用者易於理解的角度著眼。而336, 337, 338 的資料主要目的應是可供"後台"  (檢索結果的分類/FRBR化)  之用吧。

下面的例子中,前兩例(例1, 2)的"XX類型"/稽核項,看起來是否有點怪怪的? 而後兩例(例3, 4)的 "Format" 似較平易近人。

(JSC) GMD Discussion Paper (prep. by Tillett)
GMD/SMD Working Group: Proposal for Content and Carrier Terms in RDA

例 1

例 2

例 3-1

例 3-2

例 4-1

例 4-2



104.5.15 在政大有場Bibframe 的演講:BIBFRAME at GW : what you can do now with Linked Data,主講人為美國喬治華盛頓大學圖書館的  Jackie Shieh (謝易蓉)女士。


談到 Bibframe (BF,Bibliographic  Framework) 之前須先提語意網 (Semantic Web)。現今大眾查詢資料的設備(devices)多樣化,因此讓不同系統及其中的資料互通及資料互連,變為極必要。Semantic Web 及 Linked Data (LD,鏈結資料) 就是其中產物 (見演講ppt  slide 12),在LD 中的一項技術(電腦語法) 為 RDF ,而 BF 只是 RDF 中的一種規範(?) (框架 framework,或稱 data model for bibliographic description)。RDF 是對 metadata 的描述方式 (RDF 可參見此解釋)。

在此種描述方式(邏輯)下,圖書館界對書目描述(即編目) 的傳統觀念必作一轉變,即我們要去 "解構" (或是所謂 entitification,見 slide 69-72)書目資料,而這又須對 FRBR 的 WEBI 及 relationships 有所認識 (參見 slide 26),然後再對應到 BF 的四個上層大類 (4 Classes : work, instance, authority, annotation)(參見 slide 56)。

BF 是 Rules Agnostic 的 (slide 36),意即它是可以接受各種不同的詮釋資料規範(編目規範)的,如一個水罐,可隨你用來裝不同的液體,可以是AACR2  CCR 或其他。

謝女士在所服務的 George Washington Univ. Library,推動 BF寶貴的經驗足供我們借鏡,如一些作法:不可忽略 MARC 人名欄 (100, 700…等)的分欄($) e (Relator term)的資料、可增設$ 0 輸入 URI (見Slide 65, 82) 及 slide 66 所列的幾項。

將來編目員或許可從MARC 的欄號、逗點空格中解放,BF 的資料輸入介面 (UI) Bibframe Editor 將會如此這般   (可點選左列選項, 看詳細資料輸入欄位)。但重要的是:


匆忙記下,供大家參考 指正了。

A Transformative Opportunity: BIBFRAME at the George Washington University, an Early Experimenter  (pdf)
April 8 NISO Webinar: Experimenting with BIBFRAME: Reports from Early Adopters (ppt) 
徐蕙芬、戴怡正譯  (2007)。書目記錄功能要件最終報告。文華書局。


圖2 (slide 12)

圖3 (slide 65)

圖4 (BF Editor)