2007.4.26的「2007 e-Learning數位學習論壇」研討會,其中新加坡南洋理工大學的Dr. Tiong Hok Tan(Daniel Tan)講“Next Generation Learning”(連結下載ppt)。其中提到新世代(或稱數位原住民digital natives[1]、千禧世代millenials、Y世代、網際世代net generation[2])的行為特徵,這些對圖書館而言很有參考性(在此數位時代,圖書館欲提供不同面貌及價值的服務之時),現節錄其中令我印象深刻的部分:
Era and People [四種世代人的差別]
•Traditionalists: born prior to 1946 (>62)
–Brand and retail store loyal, gone through the depression and war
•Baby Boomers: born 1946-64 (43 - 61)
–Reminded to eat the plate clean. Into home and kitchens upgrade; enjoys gourmet food
•Generation X: born 1965-81 (26 - 42)
–Likes to be educated and informed; no major enduring hard economical times
•Net-Geners/Millenials: born 1982-2000 (7 -25)
–Live, breath, shop, link up on the web. Well informed.
Product of the Environment [不同世代,不同產物]
Baby Boomers: TV,Typewriters,Telephone,Family focus…
Generation X: Video games, PC, Email, Audio CDs, Individualist
Net Gen: Web, Cell phone, IM, MP3, MPEG, Online communities
Clash point on Training [各世代對訓練的看法不同]
Traditionalists: I learned the hard way ; you can too!
Baby Boomers: Train them too much, and they’ll leave.
Gen Xers: The more they learn, the more they stay.
Net Gen: Continuous learning is a way of life.
Characteristics of Millenials- Digital Natives[數位原住民在資訊方面的特徵]
• Multitask
• Nomadic
• Format agnostic
• Experiential
• Collaborative
• Integrated
• Hyperconnect and hypercommunicate
a need to move from teacher led instruction to project-based, student- centered, self-directed learning[教學的方式應有所轉變]
Learning Characteristics of Millenials[千禧世代學習上的特徵]
•Trial and error is the key learning strategy (games logic)
•They are used to bits & bytes and technology
•They want their (digital immigrant) parents involved
•There is zero tolerance for delays
•They value feedback
•Gravitate to group activity and team work
•They want structures, rules and authority
•They prefer experiential activities
Adding not replacing [溝通及環境的多重性:在原有的模式外增加其他的方式]
Face-to-face + Online + Social networks →→ Blended Communication and Environment
不僅是e-learning,現在學術研究者也走向e-research(數位研究)。一份英國的研究報告(Researchers' Use of Academic Libraries and their Services,研究者對學術圖書館及其服務的利用)提到e-research、跨科際或跨機構的研究、大量研究成果以數位形式出現,這些都對圖書館產生新的挑戰。[3]
[1]Digital Natives一詞首先由學者Prensky提出,見其文章(pdf)。或參閱 "Digital Natives" and eLearning/ By Susan Smith Nash, Ph.D.;或Answers.com的解釋。
[3]參見Lorcan Dempsey's Academic Library Organization一文。
2 則留言:
您好,我是對技術服務已經有點生疏的圖資人,最近因工作需要要接觸tw lom,想請問以圖資領域來說,"編目"和"款目"這兩個詞作為欄位名稱時,一般代表的意義是甚麼呢?
我的認知是: "編目"應不會作為欄位名稱吧!它是泛指cataloging(or resource description)這種工作. 而"款目"(entry)是卡片目錄時代的用語,指一筆書目/條目;在新編目規範RDA中已不使用了,而改用檢索點(access point)此一名稱(可參考RDA FAQ 4.8)