在館員眼裡,作者的定義及其與作品的關係似乎很直接了當、理所當然。翻到中國編目規則(第三版)21.1.2( p.252關於[著者]檢索款目之擇定)[1]是這樣說的:凡
而在The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization[4]一書裡,作者Elaine Svenonius則對作品、作者…等實體(entities)作了較詳細的闡釋,並以集合理論表示法(set-theoretic notation)來表明各實體的定義,稱為一種操作性定義(operational definition)[5]。在談及作者實體時,她提到後現代的解構主義者的觀點:Deconstruralists might ask, "What does it matter who is speaking?"[6] and for the person seeking information it often really does not matter(對資料尋求者而言,他們不在乎是誰的言論/誰說的)。此外,在線上目錄的環境下,凡出現在文內的姓名皆可檢索得到,因此無需區別誰才是作者。但Svenonius認為如不區別主要及次要作者,將影響到檢索的檢準率及檢全率(precision and recall);更嚴重的問題是:此將忽視了使用者的搜尋標的及一個有效的工具(device)—去連結、組織及顯示書目資訊的工具。
[1] 亦可參閱「中國編目規則」之修訂版(
FRBR(p.13-14) 3.1.2 Group 2 Entities: Person, Corporate Body
The entities in the second group (outlined in bold in Figure 3.2) represent those responsible for the intellectual or artistic content, the physical production and dissemination, or the custodianship of the entities in the first group. The entities in the second group include person (an individual) and corporate body (an organization or group of individuals and/or organizations)及圖Figure 3.2: Group 2 Entities and “Responsibility” Relationships
[3.2]FRBR(p.24) 3.2.5 (Entity) Person
…For the purposes of this study persons are treated as entities only to the extent that they are involved in the creation or realization of a work (e.g., as authors, composers, artists, editors, translators, directors, performers, etc.), or are the subject of a work (e.g., as the subject of a biographical or autobiographical work, of a history, etc.).
Defining the entity person enables us to name and identify the individual in a consistent manner, independently of how the individual's name appears on or in any particular expression or manifestation of a work.
Defining person as an entity also enables us to draw relationships between a specific person and a work or expression of a work for which that person may be responsible, or between a work and the person that is the subject of the work.
[3.3]見FRBR(p.4) 1.2 Approach
The basic elements of the model developed for the study--the entities, attributes, and relationships--were derived from a logical analysis of the data that are typically reflected in bibliographic records. The principal sources used in the analysis included the International Standard Bibliographic Descriptions (ISBDs), the Guidelines for Authority and Reference Entries (GARE), the Guidelines for Subject Authority and Reference Entries (GSARE), and the UNIMARC Manual. Additional data were culled from other sources such as the AITF Categories for the Description of Works of Art, from input provided by experts who were consulted as drafts of the report were being prepared, from an extensive review of published user studies, and from comments received as part of the world-wide review of the draft report.
而FRBR的entities是指使用者最感興趣的書目資訊之物件(The entities that have been defined for this study represent the key objects of interest to users of bibliographic data)(FRBR p.12)
書評;Svenonius教授為IFLA FRBR研究小組的顧問之一
[5.1] 如作者(author, A)公式為
WAj = def{x:x ∈ Wi & Aj is the author of Wi},
where “is the author of”is indicated on representations of Wi by phrases Ai … An appeaing in locations Li … Ln (W為Work)
[5.2] 至於判定作者的方法是採 enumeration (列明)原則,如:書名頁出現某某人著(…by)的字眼、出現在關鍵位置上…等情形來判定。(該書 p.45)
[6.1] 曾隆盛譯為「是誰在說話根本沒有關係!」,此話出自Samuel Beckett,可閱
[6.2] 解構主義:“…解構閱讀呈現出文本不能只是被解讀成單一作者在傳達一個明顯的訊息,而應該被解讀為在某個文化或世界觀中各種衝突的體現…”。(
[7] 傅柯(Michael Foucault, 1926-1984)(
簡介) ,他的文章“What is an author?”,可閱
[9]巴特(Ro1and Barthes, 1915-1980) 提出“the death of the author”,可參閱“
賴鼎銘著「資訊科學的思考」(2004再版) p.126 “後現代社會對圖書資訊服務的衝擊”一節。
什麼是“文本”? 不僅是館員的作業對象,也可用來思考圖資學的學科研究?