剛好美國圖書館學會仲冬會議(2009.1.23-28)中核准了一份「圖書館專業的核心能力」(ALA’s Core Competences of Librarianship)(5頁,PDF)的文件,並採納成為ALA的政策(policy)。這份文件很值參考及細心體會。Ted (Library Views) 已引介(ALA 通過「圖書館事業核心能力」提案)大陸游園驚夢的譯文(美国图书馆协会界定“图书馆职业核心能力”)(註1)。
這份文件界定了-- 所有畢業自美國圖書館學會認可的圖資學碩士學程者,需擁有的基本的知識。至於任職於學校、學術、公共、專門,或政府部門圖書館的館員,還需擁有其他專門領域的知識。這些核心能力歸納為八大項,可說相當完備,而我覺得最重要但容易被人輕忽的是第一項,即“圖書館專業的基礎知識”,是在傳統核心資訊組織及資訊服務等技術課程外的較宏觀及基礎的知識,希望有助培養對圖書館志業的真誠體會、信念及熱忱,因此我依自己的理解作了下面的翻譯。
ALA 的圖書館專業的核心能力(最後定案版) ALA理事會(註2)通過及採行為政策 2009.01.27
ALA's Core Competences of Librarianship (Final version)
Approved and adopted as policy by the ALA Council, January 27th 2009
1. 圖書館專業的基礎知識 Foundations of the Profession (又分11小項)
2. 關於資訊與資源 Information Resources (又分4小項)
3. 有記錄的知識及資訊的組織 Organization of Recorded Knowledge and Information (又分3小項)
4. 技術知識和技巧 Technological Knowledge and Skills (又分4小項)
5. 參考諮詢與讀者服務 Reference and User Services(又分7小項)
6. 研究 Research(又分3小項)
7. 繼續教育與終身學習 Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning(又分4小項)
8. 行政與管理 Administration and Management(又分5小項)
1. 圖書館專業的基礎知識 Foundations of the Profession (又分11小項)
1A. (了解)圖資專業的的倫理、價值和基本原則 The ethics, values, and foundational principles of the library and information profession.
1B. (體認)圖資專業者在促進民主原則和知識自由上的角色,知識自由包括(個人)表達、思想、或道德觀念的自由 The role of library and information professionals in the promotion of democratic principles and intellectual freedom (including freedom of expression, thought, and conscience).
1C. (了解)圖書館史與圖書館學史 The history of libraries and librarianship.
1D. (了解)人類溝通交流史及其對圖書館的影響 The history of human communication and its impact on libraries
1E. (了解)各類的圖書館(學校、公共、學術、專門等圖書館)及相關資訊機構 Current types of library (school, public, academic, special, etc.) and closely related information agencies.
1F. (了解)對圖資專業具重要性的國內、外社會、公共、資訊、經濟、及文化的政策和趨勢 National and international social, public, information, economic, and cultural policies and trends of significance to the library and information profession.
1G. (了解)與圖書館及資訊服務機構相關的法律架構,包括與著作權、隱私、表達自由、平權和知識財產等相關的法律 The legal framework within which libraries and information agencies operate. That framework includes laws relating to copyright, privacy, freedom of expression, equal rights (e.g., the Americans with Disabilities Act), and intellectual property.
1H. (了解)有效的支持圖書館、圖書館員、其他圖書館工作者、和圖書館服務的重要性 The importance of effective advocacy for libraries, librarians, other library workers, and library services.
1I. (具有)分析複雜問題和提出適當解決方法的技能 The techniques used to analyze complex problems and create appropriate solutions
1J. (具有)有效的溝通技巧(言語及文字的)Effective communication techniques (verbal and written)
1K.(具備)圖資專業中某些特殊領域所需要的檢定/證照 Certification and/or licensure requirements of specialized areas of the profession.
註1: 游園驚夢(游园惊梦) http://www.yuchuanzheng.cn/ 可能最近連不上(被官方封鎖?) ,但可用訂閱看到http://www.yuchuanzheng.cn/feed
註2: ALA理事會(ALA Council),為ALA最高決策機構,可參閱「中國圖書館學會與美國圖書館學會之比較」(邱子恆) (PDF) (台大)圖書資訊學刊 第十五期(2001?)
After More Than a Decade of Debate, ALA Approves Core Competencies (Library Journal)經過約十年的爭辯,ALA通過(圖書館專業的)核心能力。
文中提到:The Council also sent the CCs(註:即Core Competencies )on to ALA's Committee on Accreditation, asking that powerful committee to incorporate them into ALA's Standards for Accreditation of LIS programs.
ALA MidWinter Conference Report (Library Journal 2/15/2009)
圖書館工作的核心價值(秋聲Blog)、 ALA's Core Values of Librarianship
[補充] 20090417:
Federal Librarian Competencies Knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by federal librarians [PDF, 636KB] (美國聯邦政府之圖書館員專業能力書)