

關係著圖書館未來資訊組織成敗的新編目規則RDA(Resource Description and Access),在2008.1.11-1.16的ALA冬季會議(仲冬會議)中的RDA Update Forum(RDA新訊論壇)[註1]有新近動態的報告。值得注意的是RDA的製訂單位 JSC於去年十月會議中決議要修改RDA的組織架構,新架構(A New Organization for RDA)的章節調整如下,分為兩個群組(分別記錄屬性及書目關係)、10大部份:

Recording attributes
Section 1. Recording attributes of manifestation and item
Section 2. Recording attributes of work and expression
Section 3. Recording attributes of person, family, and corporate body
Section 4. Recording attributes of concept, object, event, and place

Recording relationships
Section 5. Recording primary relationships between work, expression, manifestation, and item
Section 6. Recording relationships to persons, families, and corporate bodies
Section 7. Recording relationships to concepts, objects, events, and places associated with a work
Section 8. Recording relationships between works, expressions, manifestations, and items
Section 9. Recording relationships between persons, families, and corporate bodies
Section 10. Recording relationships between concepts, objects, events, and places

先前已製訂出的一些內容並未作改變,只是將整份規範的組織及表述方式作一調整,以便與FRBR[註2]更緊密契合。同時RDA執行方案(RDA Implementation Scenarios)中提到RDA必須支援(兼顧)以下三種情況(scenarios)[指不同的資料庫結構 database structures]:

1. 關聯/物件導向資料庫結構是未來的方向。凡被描述的資源,它所涉及的每一實體是分開來描述的,各實體分別有自己的記錄。亦即Every entity will have a unique identifier. Access points and authority control may be less important in scenario #1. (參見下圖);
2. 書目記錄與相關權威記錄相連結的結構形態;
3. 扁平的資料庫結構,所有書目資料(包含多種實體 entities)都記錄在一筆書目記錄中。

下面圖是執行方案p.3的圖示 -- 關聯/物件導向資料庫結構中的書目資料配置的情形:


[註1]ALA Midwinter 2008: RDA Update Forum (Cataloging Future)
[註2]亦可參考FRBR是什麼?(中譯) (上)(中)

ALA Friday "Big Heads"(Coyle's information)
Interpretations of FRBR Classes(Coyle's information)
FRBR imperfect? So then?( Bibliographic Wilderness)
JSC News and Announcements
