RDA(編目規則.草案) 網址http://www.rdaonline.org/
JSC(註1)新網址 http://www.rda-jsc.org/
RDA—资源描述和检索:21世纪的编目标准 (大陸顧犇譯RDA簡介單張)(PDF)
接續上篇,關於Diane Hillman的投影片:Getting Real With RDA.
Slide 39-- 我們現在能做什麼?
Slide 41 鏈接資料(linked data)的圖示,其中包括圖書館的資料(library data)
Slide 42 圖書館資料成為linked open data 時,我們對這種資料能做些什麼?
Slide 43 有哪些挑戰?
開發相關工具(Tool development)(各層級的工具,包括自動化系統廠商)
Slide 44 RDA的轉移作業要花多少時間?
Slide 45 RDA的測試期、測試些什麼?(註2)
Slide 46 測試的方式
Slide 47 你需要做些什麼準備?
觀看(讀)、學習、提問:注意測試情形、試用RDA的工具(RDA Tools)、實際建立一些書目記錄,並針對非傳統資料作測試、學習更多網路技術、到NSDL註冊中心的Registry Sandbox(練習用沙盒、即練習用編輯頁面,http://sandbox.metadataregistry.org/)去做練習
RDA可說有兩大部分,一部分是編目規範的條文內容,這在RDA官方網站 (JSC RDA)說明了RDA的內容及政策、行動等;另一部分是RDA中資料元素的形式化表述(formal representations of the RDA elements),這部分Diane Hillmann提供了很多相關知識、訊息及看法。
1.在JSC RDA網站,有對RDA相當充分的介紹(包括其背景、範圍及原則…常見問題、現在的行動進度),其中常見問題(FAQ)8 提到RDA和MARC21的關係(註4) ,也可見大陸顧犇翻譯RDA簡介單張中的敘述,或我回覆網友的一段文字(註5)。
2. RDA的推行是項多方合作的工作,見顧犇譯文中“合作的成果”這段文字 (註6)或2009年3月RDA會議記錄摘要中”Outreach”(擴展工作)這段文字(註7)。
3. 關於新編目程序(邏輯)及測試計畫:過去編目多以手頭上拿到的實際書籍來編,即針對“媒體展現”(manifestation)來編,而新的規則RDA是要先弄清楚作品家族,在編目實作上會增加多少負擔?或許要從上游的出版界的書目開始著手/梳理才行?而初期測試參與者很少、加上目前業界對FRBR的應用多止於manifestation 的程度,將來使用RDA網路版在大規模性的合作編目環境下(如OCLC合作編目環境)將會產生哪些問題呢?相信這些問題會被分析及評估,或許從舊到新的大轉移將是個不斷修正的歷程?
註1:JSA全稱為Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA(RDA發展聯合指導委員會),是研訂RDA的團體。
註2:參見LC對RDA測試的說明:Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA)
註3:關於利用RDA創建書目資料這方面的目標(Functionality of Records Produced Using RDA – Objectives)是:Responsiveness to user needs、Cost efficiency、Flexibility、及Continuity等,見http://www.rda-jsc.org/docs/5rda-objectivesrev2.pdf
8.1 Will RDA include instructions for MARC coding along with the cataloguing instructions?
AACR2 and MARC 21 are two different standards designed for two different purposes. AACR2 is largely a content and display standard while MARC 21 is largely an encoding standard. RDA is being developed only as a content standard rather than as an encoding standard. It is important that the RDA standard maintain this separation. RDA will contain guidelines for choosing and recording data to include in bibliographic and authority records. MARC 21 is one possible schema for encoding records created using RDA, but it will also be possible to encode records created using RDA in other schemas, such as MODS or Dublin Core.
8.2 How will RDA affect the way that records are coded in MARC 21?
The RDA/MARC Working Group has developed a number of proposals for changes to the MARC 21 formats to accommodate the encoding of RDA data. See the listing of proposals and discussion papers at http://www.rda-jsc.org/rdamarcwg.html. The JSC expects that most RDA data elements can be incorporated into the existing MARC 21 structure using current MARC 21 guidelines for coding and order of data elements. Thus, in most cases, RDA will not necessitate users of MARC 21 to make changes to the way their MARC data displays. Draft Appendix D of RDA contains a mapping from MARC 21 Bibliographic to RDA, and Appendix E contains a mapping from MARC 21 Authorities to RDA.
註5:大陸顧犇譯RDA簡介單張“RDA—资源描述和检索:21世纪的编目标准” (PDF),其中“使用RDA的好处”一段提到:
■用戶將可以將RDA內容與許多編碼方案(例如MODS(元資料物件描述標準)、MARC 21或都柏林核心元資料)一起使用。RDA具有適應性和靈活性,具有被其他資訊行業和圖書館使用的潛在可能性。
另,秋聲Blog的訪客留言區 2009/5/25:
RDA與MARC(或MODS, DC…等)是不同目的及層次的東西, RDA被稱為是”(書目)內容規範”, 而MARC, MODS, DC…屬編碼格式( formats for encoding). 因此編目時可依循編目規則(RDA,AACR…)來創建書目資料(記錄), 但可選擇使用你想要的機讀格式(MARC, MODS, DC…)來輸入資料供機器處理。因FRBR/RDA中的一些資料元素在原MARC中無此欄位,因此MARC21現為配合RDA的實行正在作修訂.也可參考http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/jsc/rdafaq.html(FAQ 8的說明)
註6:顧犇譯RDA簡介單張“RDA—资源描述和检索:21世纪的编目标准” (PDF),其中“合作的成果”一段提到:
■美國國會圖書館網路發展辦公室和MARC標準辦公室:保證RDA和MARC 21之間的相容性。(在英國國家圖書館、加拿大圖書館和檔案館、美國國會圖書館的發起下,一個協調RDA和MARC 21的工作組已經成立。)
■國際圖聯國際編目規則專家會議(IME ICC):負責修訂和更新“巴黎原則”(AACR2以此為基礎),使其成為21世紀的原則。
Members of the CoP, Co-Publishers, and JSC have always emphasized the importance of working with other groups in pursuit of compatibility of RDA with other metadata communities. To that end:
●An RDA/MARC Working Group was established in January 2008 to coordinate changes to the MARC format as a result of RDA. Proposals have been submitted to the appropriate groups and have been accepted by them. The result is that MARC 21 will be able to accommodate the additional RDA fields and elements.
●The JSC has been working with the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) on two projects relating to RDA. The first is a mapping of RDA elements to Dublin Core elements. The second is the development of registered vocabularies for the RDA element set and value lists.
●Members of the JSC continue to work in the international arena with the ISBD Review Group, the FRANAR Working Group, and those working on the creation of the new IFLA Statement of International Cataloging Principles, ensuring open communication and coordination.
註8:JSC RDA網站:RDA常見問題9“採用RDA”/Adopting RDA)提到( #9.1):
There are a couple of things that you can do in order to prepare for RDA. The first is to familiarize yourself with the concepts and vocabulary that is found in FRBR. The second is to keep up-to-date with RDA developments by reviewing drafts as they become available and monitoring comments about RDA on various listservs.
據各方意見,RDA內容作了修改,參見ALA 代表J. Attig的部落格:http://www.personal.psu.edu/jxa16/blogs/resource_description_and_access_ala_rep_notes/
RDA 再認識(上)
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