

-- 你是使用者(user)也是創作/貢獻者(contributor)

時代》雜誌2006年的風雲人物(Person of the Year)是「你」(you),這不也就是反應了Web2.0的主角嗎?

該雜誌相關人員說說:因為駕馭了全球媒體、創立並形塑新的數位民主、不求回報辛勤工作...《時代》2006年的風雲人物就是你。(And for seizing the reins of the global media, for founding and framing the new digital democracy, for working for nothing and beating the pros at their own game, TIME's Person of the Year for 2006 is you.)…
使用者催生的網站的創造者和消費者,展現了一個規模前所未聞的社群和協力合作… 這是關乎從少數人手中奪走權力,不為任何目的幫助對方,以及這不只會改變全世界,就連世界改變的方式也會出現變化。(It's a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before.( It's about the cosmic compendium of knowledge Wikipedia and the million-channel people's network YouTube and the online metropolis MySpace.) It's about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes.) …
使這一切成為可能的工具就是全球資訊網,這個工具匯聚了數以百萬人的小小貢獻,使之發揮重要影響。(The tool that makes this possible is the World Wide Web…It's a tool for bringing together the small contributions of millions of people and making them matter…it's really a revolution…)(註2)

另看到Library Crunch's“Billions for User-Generated Content”一文也提到紐約時報的一篇文章“2006, Brought to You by You”,也談到個人(平民、一般老百姓)的興起,讀後感覺:

過去是地緣隔絕,地區意識(地方性)強;20世紀後廣播等傳播方式打破了此限制,但表演者(專家)與聽觀眾仍是涇渭分明:直至今日因技術的進步破除了台上者與台下者之分。大量使用者創作的成品(內容,user-generated content)(或稱:自我展現 self-expression) 出現,很多經由混搭(mashup)而成,且是獨立傳播、創意推廣出去(可至全世界)。因個人的紛紛崛起造成多元化、破碎化(fragmentation);另一方面,人類本性的社會化(聚集、分享)需求,亦促使社群網路的生成,出現許多 social networking sites,並由公眾來過濾(filter)內容,這是與過去截然不同的運行模式。

最後作者 Jon Pareles 說:無疑地,在網路上的自我創作,有才華者將比過去有較少的障礙而能接觸到大眾。事實上,有才華者有更多雜亂要超越,需要與在過去舊環境一樣多的力氣與才智。(The promise of all the self-expression online is that genius will reach the public with fewer obstacles, bypassing the entrenched media. The reality is that genius has a bigger junk pile to climb out of than ever, one that requires just as much hustle and ingenuity as the old distribution system.)

的確,Web1.0 將基礎局面架構起來,Web2.0時代像不知不覺在進行一次(社會、權力?)革命!

註1:錄自 Yahoo新聞
註2:取自Time Cover story (Dec. 25, 2006 issue of Time magazine)

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